Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm Back, Baby

Hello one and all. It's been a while, hasn't it? Life has kept me hopping lately. We have swim team practices, swim meets, basketball games, school "holiday" programs, Christmas shopping, and of course work. All have contributed to my absence. However, the itch the post is too great to here are some Christmas/winter/holiday/school sports thoughts...

  1. Special call out to my long distance buddies. You RU. Hope things are going well. G, thanks for the remembering my cross-gender nickname. You're my bud. Mamachristy, you are still one of my fav blogs. I will be posting my randoms soon. Thanks for the tag. Caroldee, long time no chat. Nice to hear from you. Weimie, hope you have an awesome Christmas, too. Thanks.
  2. Should a high school "Holiday" program really last for 2.5 hours. That was tough. I got elbowed twice for falling asleep. Not sure how Mrs. WHW stayed awake for it all.
  3. Just got our local band order of Oranges and Grapefruits......mmmmmm.
  4. I have now had my brown turd (aka brown Zune) for a month. I am liking it very much. First, I got it at when it was only $99. Yep, $99 for a 30 gig player. Very sweet. Next, Microsoft did a cool thing when they provide software updates for old Zunes (like this one) so they had the new software that newer Zunes come with. Next, being able to share songs between Zunes wirelessly is very cool. And finally, the online marketplace handles podcasts very well....and I like podcasts. Now, the player isn't perfect, but I am really liking the purchase.
  5. Call out to PMaroun for getting me hooked on music by Cake and Johnny Socko. The Socko music is still making me laugh.
  6. I love Christmas time. However, yesterday the season turned on me in a nasty way. As I stood in a long line at the local Aeropostal, I was tortured by that damn Wham! Christmas song. So help me, between that song, the Elton John song, and the endless playing of "Santa Baby", I am about to jump over to the Grinch's side. I almost grabbed the solid rod that was sticking through one of the ears of the person next to me and rammed it into my ears to rupture my eardrums....the WHW equiv of chewing a leg off to get out of a trap.
  7. BTW: the Madonna version of Santa Baby is awful. I'll take Eartha Kitt's version over it any day.
  8. Clementines have to be some of the handiest fruit on the planet. Small, easy to perfect.
  9. Back to the Zune for a moment. Do you ever find yourself wondering..."Wonder what WHW is listening to"? Besides it being a cry for is a valid question. Well, thanks to the wonder of technology, you now have a answer your question. My Zune page is here. Enjoy....and seek some help soon.
  10. I went to buy more of my favorite Christmas treat today (mini candy canes). They were out!!!
  11. Another call out to PMaroun for sharing some Rat Pack music. "Ain't That A Kick In The Head?" is an awesome song. Thanks, buddy.
  12. I love Christmas shopping for the kids. Tonight I "tested" a cool remote control dinosaur that will say what you speak into the control. Wish these toys would have been around when I was a kid.
  13. Had to ask the lady at a local store tonight if the sweater I was buying Mrs. WHW was navy blue. Stupid color blindness. I guess last year the blue sweater I bought was really black.
  14. Took a bit of a fall the other day going down to our basement. Upon hearing my fall, Mrs. WHW yelled down two things to me....
  • What was that noise? Did you drop a bowling ball down the stairs.
  • When you get up, be sure to bring the broccoli and cheese up here.

Love is such a funny thing.

1 comment:

Guinevere said...

I have some of those little candy canes at my house. You're welcome to them. ;o)

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