Sunday, August 31, 2008

Way Too Much

If I hear one more person say something about how happy they are that Gustav is making land in time to disrupt the Republican National Convention, I am going to snap. I have seen numerous people post things like this, including the interview with Michael Moore.

Whether I am a Democrat or a Republican is irrelevant. We are talking about people's lives. To hell with politics. To say something like this is beyond stupid.

If you are grateful the hurricane is hitting at the time of the convention, you are an ass. Plain and simple.

I feel much better now.


Dory said...

I couldn't agree more.

Caffeinated Librarian said...

Amen, brother! I am so tired of this sophomoric crap from otherwise intelligent folks on both sides of the political divide. Time to grow up, people, and pull your heads out of your collective posteriors!

Sorry. It just annoys me.

Guinevere said...

Just when you think there's signs of intelligent life out there...

Sheesh. Sickening.

Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins