Saturday, June 27, 2009

Angels and Puberty

Recently, death has been going through Hollywood like cheap sauerkraut. Trying to keep up with the celebrity passings would be a full time job...which is way too much work for me.

However, absolutely NO worthwhile blog claiming to have a television theme could not post a thought or two about the passing of Farrah Fawcett.

Charlie's Angels hit the airwaves about the same time I hit puberty. This coincidence was likely a gift from above to help me through that difficult period of time. Early on, I was drawn to the show, but also felt a bit embarrassed. Interestingly, at the time I had absolutely no idea why.

Of the three angels, I was drawn to Jill Munroe. Her character was far more developed than the other angels.

I fondly recall having many a heated "who was hotter" argument, Jill vs Kelly, with friends. The arguments typically ended with me saying, "you are just really stupid". Check and mate. I was always a tremendous debater.

Anyway, in my early teens, I tended to wear the same clothes for multiple, concurrent days. When something became my favorite, it was worn with great regularity. So, when I was given a t-shirt with THE picture on it, my dressing cycle was greatly altered. My previous favorite shirt, the "I'm With Stupid" shirt was replaced by a lovely, somewhat chilly lady.

Interestingly, the Farrah shirt stayed my favorite for almost a year, ultimately being replaced by a Bert Jones jersey. It;s longevity as number #1 was a true testimony to my admiration for her.

Farrah, rest in peace. You were a real star in this man's eyes.


Dory said...

I hadn't seen this post when I came by to read the insta-blush post. I absolutely agree - most of us the same age fell in love with Jill Monroe. I wanted to grow up and be beautiful and smart like her.... she is one of the first females that I remember seeing on tv that was something of a role model during those formative years. I have wondered if I went back and watched old "Angels" reruns, now - at my current age, if I would feel the same way about her - but haven't wanted to taint that memory.
I have always thought fondly of her.... and especially with the grace and tenacity she battled cancer with until the very end.

Guinevere said...

Jill was my favorite too...and for the same reasons that Dory mentioned. She was a very talented lady. What a shock to lose her! :o(

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