Friday, December 29, 2006

You Know, Work Is Really Pretty Easy

Typically, I work the week between Christmas and New Years. Not a lot of people in....I usually get quite a bit done.

However, this year I decided to take the week off. I had some personal time to burn, and it seemed like a great way to catch up on sleep, and just lounge around the house. To quote someone much wiser than me..."The older you get, the more you learn."

To start off with, as is usual, the younger boys were up at the crack of dawn on Christmas day. I distinctly remember the years growing up when I was the it was hard for me to be mad at them. However, as the youngest put it as I came down stairs at 5:15 am, "Look at daddy, he is messed up." Out of the mouth of babes....

Add to this that, ever since the tree hit our house, a couple of the kids have had to sleep on air matresses in the living room. "Guys, it's like camping out every night!!". Unfortunately, one or both of them have frequently made the late night/early morning trek up the stairs to my room. I don't have the heart to march them back down I am getting very used to sleeping on the floor. Not really cool for an old fart like me. But, like I said, it is like camping out.

Next, the contractors started repairing our house this week. Each morning they have arrived at around 7:30....sawz-all in hand. Now, these guys are all very nice. And I appreciate their work very much. Just would like for them to have one morning of "slacking off".

Of course, all this added to the standard behavior of the kids being fired up when out of school, and Mrs. WHW taking advantage of my being home to run errands she has been putting off has left me tired and grumpy.

A day of arguing with coworkers about things is sure looking like easy street these days.

Anyway, I am sure by the middle of next week I will be looking back at this week with fondness.....

BTW, check out one of my stocking stuffers. It is cooler than it looks in the picture. Now, all I need is someone wearing a red shirt.....


pmaroun said...

Happy New Years WHW!

InTheFastLane said...

So true, so true. The running joke at my house is that somedays I go to work TO relax :)

Guinevere said...

Isn't that how it goes? Of course, while we were on vacation in TX, I developed a cold and spend the last half of every night coughing...about once every 10 minutes or so. BLECH! lol

Kids are so much fun at Christmas especially! And don't worry, as they get older, getting up gets a little later on Christmas morning. :o) (In fact, the last 3 years, we've had to wake them up to open gifts! lol)

Chris said...

Awesome gift! When I was 8 or 9 and we were spending Christmas in NW Iowa, Santa brought me a phaser that was also flashlight. It had discs that would go over the lens to project different shapes on the wall. I spent the entire Christmas day down in my grandparent's basement playing with it (only place it could be totally dark). It was one of my favorite toys of all time! But it was only the big gun - not the cool smaller version. I had to carve one out of a bar of soap. You've got both! Maybe I'll have to speak with the Jolly Old Elf and find out where he got it...

Sorry you've got some real go-getters for workers on your house. But don't you think Mrs WHW has something to do with that :)

Have a Happy New Year, man!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year's WHW! Don't phaser the workmen until they're finished!lol Hope it's all back to normal soon..

Caffeinated Librarian said...

*grin* I'm so glad that YOU have the kids.

Happy New Years, dude. May you at least be able to sleep in on the 1st...probably won't happen with your boys, but I'll wish for ya.

Caffeinated Librarian said...

Oh, and the phaser looks cool. We do need a report on what it actually does, however...just to be sure. ;-)

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