Monday, July 23, 2007

Hey, I Know Her

I would like to call out one of my buds, CL. She is featured in Blogs of Note.

Could not happen to a nicer blogger. Big congrats, my friend.

Just remember your rabid fan base as you ascend into stardom.

As your limo driver takes you down Main Street some day in the future, when you see someone holding a sign that says, "Will Blog For Food", at least give your buddy WHW a honk.


Caffeinated Librarian said...
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Caffeinated Librarian said...

Thanks dude. *chuckle* I'm actually a tad flustered by all the attention. You'd think it wouldn't faze me after going through a week's worth on MSN (oh so long ago now), but with Harry Potter spoilers on my blog, etc., etc...

*sigh* I know, I'm being anal right now, aren't I? I should just enjoy the moment, right?

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Elizabeth said...

Can I stand next to you with a sign that says "Will blog for chocolate?" ;)

Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins