Monday, April 28, 2008

Who Continues to Piss Off The Elderly?

A while back I posted a little experience I had with some older folks. They seemed overly pissed....and decided to take it out on me.

Since then, relationships between me and those of advancing years have been pretty good. That is until yesterday.

Yesterday was son #4's first communion. Yes, A-Train is growing up fast. Anyway, after the church, and a family breakfast, A-Train wanted to go into town and use some of his gift money to buy a Webkin. For those of you who do not have a younger child, Webkins are the Beanie Babies of this decade....tossing in a web site and a virtual world for good measure.

The store we went to had a deal going.....a free Webkin for every $10 you spend. Somehow, Mrs. WHW was able to spend $40....which allowed each of our younger kids to get one without spending any of their money. Who would have thought Mrs. WHW needed another purse??

As I sat in the mall waiting for everyone to pick out their webkin, I decided I had earned a treat, too. So, after finishing up I drove over to a Starbucks to get myself an Americano. With the recent cold spell, a nice hot drink sounded good. I opted to go in to get my drink, since I like to put my own milk into the drink.

As I walked into the store I noticed a older gentleman walking across the store in a shuffling motion. This shuffling motion gave him a pretty slow walk. No biggie to me. I gladly let him walk in front of me...telling him to "Have a good day" as he walked past me and our eyes met. I was completely sincere.

He turned his head back to me and calmly told me to "F-Off" (using 'F' instead of his word to keep the blog family friendly).

Ouch. What in the world did I do to deserve that??? Unfortunately for me, his f bomb surprised me so much, I started laughing. My guess is that this likely ticked him off more.

Maybe I missed something along the way. Have the years of Jessica Fletcher, Barnaby Jones, and Marcus Welby passed me by? Is everyone now from the Archie Bunker mold???

Looks like I need to update my elderly greetings. Can't wait to try one out on my "buddy" at Quiznos.


Guinevere said...

LOL I would've started laughing too!

Dory said...

I probably would've said, "Right back atcha, Pops" and THEN laughed!


Kidding! My mouth probably would have gaped open in surprise and I wouldn't have managed to say ANYthing!

Anonymous said...


You were doing pretty good in your first sentence -- and then you went into dummyland with sentence #2. That's when I quit your dumbass site.

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