Monday, May 26, 2008


My wife and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this weekend...a couple days early.  Some family commitments will keep us from having much time together on Wednesday.

We went to Galena, had a nice time (great food thanks to recommendations from DW), and my wife is superbly wonderful.  Think that sums the small trip up well.....

Hopefully, many many more years to come.

 (Can you tell I took the picture myself?  And no, I didn't ask her to kiss me for it.....)


Caffeinated Librarian said...

I swear, I commented before...where did it go?

Anyway. You guys look very happy - here's to many, many more such days.

Guinevere said...

Congratulations!!! I keep forgetting that your anniversary is so close to ours. We just celebrated 18 years. Seems like only yesterday....

Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins