Thursday, July 24, 2008


Quick rant.

Is it too much to ask that, IF a web site has product pictures AND it has a link that says "Enlarge Image" under each picture, the resulting image that is displayed if I click on the link IS BIGGER THAN THE INITIAL IMAGE????

It really doesn't seem to be a stretch to assume that people who want to see "an enlarged image" would want the image to be larger than the one they currently see. And, by "larger" I mean noticeably taller and wider.

Come on people, this isn't rocket science.


Manager Mom said...

Sheesh, you sure are demanding.

Guinevere said...

Oooooh, that is so weird that you posted this and I just read it. I was actually at a website looking for information on a product and ran into the same problem...and was thinking the same thing!!! That's spooky! And, yeah, it's not like we're asking them to split the atom or anything... ;o)

Chris said...

Yeah, I hate this, too. is about the only site that seems to take the term "enlarge" serious. Except for all those spammers. I believe their promises completely.

Say, Bill: what's new on your Zune?

bwmson said...

Chris, I am glad you asked.....

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