Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Questionable Rule

The last couple days my household has been struggling with a "stomach bug". It has hit 4 of the 5 boys. On the bright side, its effect is strictly a potty issue; no up-chucking so far.

As a couple of the kids begin to show improvements, I was told by my wife that no one can return to school until they have been "big D" free for 24 hours. Since I am pretty ignorant of these rules, I was shocked.

I really wish work had this rule. I would never have to go in.


Guinevere said...

ROFLOL Poor you. :oD

Jane! said...

Okay, I'm fairly new to this place but are you sure it shouldn't be Bathrooms and Stuff?
Not that I don't enjoy potty humor.
Good luck giving BigD the 'slip'.

Shannon said...

LOL- I'm so with you!!!

Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins