Friday, October 31, 2008

Enough Already

Like any other sane human being, I love any October day that has sunshine and a high temp of 72.

However, there are ways a day like this can be ruined. Yea, ruined to the point that I swear while sitting outside. What/who could ruin a perfect day?

These little shits.....

I will say it again....I hate bugs.


Guinevere said...

Those nasty things are THICK this year! There were 8 of them on the light fixture outside our office door today! (Yes, we counted.) I hate them too...crawling bugs I can mostly deal with, but anything that flies is too unpredictable. Ick.

Dory said...

Bugs, bugs.... they are out in full force lately. It's the ONLY promising thing about winter... no more bugs!

Caffeinated Librarian said...

Oh come on, who doesn't like ladybugs?!


Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins