- Place to do that thing you are supposed to do in there (number 1 and the deuce)
- Reading room
- Resting room
- Room to play Bejeweled
- Fortress of solitude
- watch TV (when staying at a hotel that is ultra cool and has a tv in the potty)
Note, one action I did not list is using the room to carry on a conversation on a cell phone. No no no no no no no.
Today, at work, as I sat in a stall taking care of purposes #1, #3, and #4, someone stepped into the stall next to me. After sitting down, they dialed someone on their cell phone and began an involved conversation.
I was in no mode for this.....so I decided to give him 3.5 minutes to chat and hang up. Unfortunately, since he was seemingly just getting started in the conversation after 5 minutes, I decided to take matters into my own hands. It didn't help that he was laughing loudly during the chat.....very annoying.
So, in retaliation, I began emitting the typical moans and grunts that a man struggling with a high fiber diet would typically create....only a bit louder (more pained) than is usual. Then, out of respect for the late Paul Harvey, I would pause for several seconds, offering the chatter a chance to gracefully end their conversation.
After a couple rounds of moans I heard him say, "no, that's not me". I almost fell of my throne laughing.
Then, after another round I heard him say, "look, I am going to have to call you back".
Check and mate, ass wipe.
No one crosses me in my domain......no one.
OH MY goodness! That is absolutely HYSTERICAL! You truly are the KING of all things Potty!
Thanks for the laugh this morning- you are a HOOT!
Oh how FUNNY!!! And how BRILLIANT - I would have never thought of that. You rock!
ROFLOL Well, maybe the person ButtMunch was talking to will have something to say to them later about calling them from a TOILET! lol You rock!
Brilliant!!! Unfortunately it wouldn't have been an act with me. Exactly why I go potty where no on else expects me to.
Just as an FYI: basement potties offer little to no cell phone coverage. At least that's what my blackberry says when I'm playing brickbreaker...
*head-desk* OMG, you are the ONLY person I know who would actually do this...well, other than my father, were he still alive.
Not that I doubt that you did it - I'm quite sure you did. And not that you're wrong in principle - people should not talk on the phone in the bathroom and they should especially not START A CALL in the bathroom.
But...dude. *head-desk* That sort of thing would NEVER happen in the women's bathrooms. I'm just sayin'.
I would like to thank everyone for their "support".
Shannon, thanks for the "toilet crown". Dory, it has been years (45+) since it was suggested that I was brilliant. G, like the term buttmunch...I plan to use it. Chris, brickbreaker is a great game. CL....oh, CL. My buddy, CL. I have come to expect your multi-sentence "weird". Thanks foe not disappointing.
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