Actually, my first moment was about a week ago when we had a prelude snow...and I learned the younger kids had left our only snow shovel in the yard....somewhere. I won't share my precise thought then. Just remember using the push broom to clean the driveway, and how amused Mrs. W was with me sweeping the snow.
Anyway, I digress. As I scooped today I listened to an MTV/Friday Night Videos/Night Tracks inspired playlist. As I listened and scooped I started harking back to those glory days of music video. So, this evening, as I listened to the howling winds blow that damn snow back I started hopping around YouTube....and found some gems:
- Scandal - She almost joined Van Halen. Cool.
- The Producers - Just screams early 80's
- Talking Heads - "....and you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack...."
- Bobby McFerrin - I remember how brilliant I thought Robin Williams was in this.
- Flock Of Seagulls - A classic
- Tiffany - For many of these, I watch the video and think to myself, "I thought this was cool?!" I can confidently say I realized early on this one was lame. But it is a classic.
- Hall & Oates - Nice to see where GE Smith and the Saturday Night Live Band got its starting.
- Billy Idol - Still remember Sting playing Bill Idol on the SNL skit, "The Sinatra Group". Frank: "What's with the snarl and the 666 thing?? Contempt for the audience. That's what killed Dennis Dale"
- The King of Pop was the King of the 80's video. Still love Weird Al's spoof better.
- Every King needs a Queen. I still think her videos in the 80's were good.
- The Beatles - Just another validation of this group's greatness. Making videos before it was cool to make videos. But to also have strings and horns....and guest audience member Mick Jagar (2:39 in the video) makes it just that much cooler.
*snort* Love the shovel story.
Oh! Oh! But can I guess what you were thinking them?!
Was it "rassin-frassin?" No?!
How about "dagnabbit?" No again, huh?
Then not them...
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