Friday, May 04, 2007

Rnd() - Returns a random number between 0 and 1. Used in conjunction with Randomize statement to initialize the random number generator.

Not much in the mood to put a lot of thought into a I fall back on my old favorite; random thoughts...

  1. I am really digging podcasts. My buddy Pete got me started on them. Now I am downloading podcasts of sports shows (PTI, ESPN The Big Show), several NPR podcasts, a couple music podcasts (Phil Keaggy, Irish & Celtic music), a couple PBS podcasts (no, I am not downloading Sesame Street...yet), my beloved Cubs' Cubcast, and several techie podcasts. These are all free...and make for some good listening while riding the exercise bike.
  2. If you haven't seen it yet, at one of the recent NBA playoff games, a guy tried to imitate what those crazy mascots/cheerleaders do when they propel themselves off a trampoline and dunk the ball. He forgot that, to make it to the basket you must have both vertical movement AND horizontal. It took guts to try it.
  3. My airhorn officially died this evening. I was unloading a blast as a person was letting their dog unload in my yard. Looks like a trip to Walmart tomorrow.
  4. My laptop is now running the new version of Windows (Vista). Overall, thumbs up. A few pains (especially making the upgrade), but it is now running very well. The new version of Hearts is pretty cool.
  5. And speaking of new software, I am also now running Office 2007. Although recent versions of Office have been small changes, this one is a huge jump. The user interface is completely redone, using ribbons instead of menus. It makes finding functionality much easier. Word 2007 now has a standard template for blog entries. It allows you to compose and post all from within it. Huge thumbs up for this new version of Office.
  6. I am now reading a book by Guy Kawasaki. He is a very interesting person. If you have some time, check out his blog.
  7. One of the cool links off of Guy's blog is the "Mom's Salary Wizard". Nice to see Mrs. WHW should be making $138,000 for all the hard work she puts in at home.
  8. If anyone is interested in some hard-hitting news, check out this week's Weekly World News. Look for the newspaper who's cover story is the redneck vampire that is terrorizing a trailor court. Likely right next to the WSJ.
  9. You just can't get good sweet tea in Central Illinois.
  10. For those of you that like wrestling...professional wrestling, here is a funny link to the Nine Dumbest Moments In Pro-Wrestling. Not sure how they were able to reduce the list to nine.


Elizabeth said...

"My airhorn officially died this evening. I was unloading a blast as a person was letting their dog unload in my yard."
What an awesome idea! I need to pick one of those up... but I would use it to get my kids to pay attention to ME instead of the video game.

Have you tried books on CD? I've been downloading them to my iPod (I pick them up at the library) and have a listen while I'm driving to work, just before bed... basically doing anything mundane.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder!! The 'computer dust-off' Can just doesn't do the trick! To Wal-Maet I go!!!

Now, anytime some sends me wrestling videos, I'm THERE~~ The funkier the Better!!

Maybe you and I can go to a 'Wrestlmania' event sometime... and invite CL!! I'm SURE that she would be thrilled!! (just a thought)

I received the 'Wrestle Mania" anthology for Christmas ( #1 to #20!!) Great viewing when I'm alone... The wife thinks I'm an idiot, and I probably am!! But I keep watching.

Happy to read a new post from you Bill!! Hope to hear from Aunt Potty, Sal the Squirrel and your dog soon!! lmao!!!
Have a great Sunday!

weimie said...

Hey... first thing - did you get my email? I surely hope so... if you didn't, let me know so I can explain what happened to the thing you were looking for! :o)

And next... I love, love, love my iPod and listen to a morning radio show via a podcast daily and LOVE it! I also listen to books... I have music on it but never seem to listen that much!

Oh yeah, I'm going to re-post something later this week - one of my MOST embarrassing moments. You should get a kick outta it - it's right up your alley. I originally posted it almost a year ago and thought I'd dredge it up since I'll be gone for a few days at the end of the week. Come check it out!

Take care,

Unknown said...

How's Vista compaired to XP? I kinda like XP (improvement over 98, that's for sure) but it's still pretty wonky.

And, as far as the podcasts - I signed up for a ton when I got iTunes, but, to be honest, I think I've listened to two, out of the 20-some-odd I signed up for. then again, I'm a slacker. ;)

Anonymous said...

My new Spaces addy is

My space was shut down!! Too much potty humor???
Who knows with MSN!! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Make that

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill! MSN closed down my old space so here's the address for my new one:

Have a great weekend.

Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins