Sunday, July 22, 2007

Diary of a Mad/Lazy Dad - Day # 5 - Epilogue

Dear diary, it is over. I made it. In a Rocky-ish moment, as I picked up Mrs. WHW, I held my arms up in victory. In hindsight, I think TSA was a bit concerned when I started humming the Rocky theme while waiting for her suitcase to arrive.

Today, JWL had three more races....and qualified for a State meet in one of them. His overall performance....his first serious meet, six events, four events with times good enough to go to state. Very well done.

I would have thought he would have been ecstatic. He would have, had it not been for Potter. As of 7:00 tonight, he finished the final book; giving it a big thumbs up. Interesting how the book was so important to him. Thanks J.K. for giving books a life for a couple of my kids. I appreciate it very much. BTW...I added the final word to the title with respect to Potter 7....right, CL?

I am now preparing for bed. JLW has a 6:00 am practice, Big S has to be at work by 6:30, and I need to be at work by 7:00. The week off was hectic, but it was still a nice week at home.

Now, for a final, obscure reference.....I will close with: This has been a Quinn Martin Production (again, a connection to the last word in the title).


Caffeinated Librarian said...

Yes dude, you got it right. I used the word "appendix" because I was referring to Tolkien, who put his epilogue (along with a whole lot of other stuff) in an appendix. I agree with JWL for the most part - a good book, all in all, with just a few problems. But the ending was most satisfying.

Congrats to the W family on the races and on surviving the vacation of Mrs. W. *grin* I think a chorus of "We are the Champions" is in order.

Guinevere said...

Woohoo! You made it! A little mess is ok...just to make "Mom" feel needed, but any big messes will just make her tired. Take it from a mom.

Congrats to the state qualifier! That's awesome!

Chris said...

Nice work. Now it will take the Mrs a week or 2 to whip them back into shape. Actually with her, about an hour ought to do it...

Congratulations to Mark Spitz Jr! Can't wait to see him in the Olympics!

Anonymous said...

WTG buddy!! I was pulling for you!!

Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins