Monday, July 30, 2007

My Summer Vacation

In tribute to this weeks #1 movie, here are some shots from my summer vacation....

Here I am after getting up. Hair a little messier than normal (who can tell?)

Here I am at home, cleaning up the living room. Who would have thought a cannon was a bad idea for a toy?

Next, I head to work to say hi to my buddies. I would say J-Girl is Itchy and I am frequently Scratchy. Definitely, Kirby is Sideshow Mel.

After leaving work, I stop by a Starbucks for a drink. I frequently enjoy the "atmosphere" there, right J-Girl?


Finally I am back home, ready to have fun with the kids.

Thanks to the Simpsonizer for the great shots.

Footnote: Here is Mrs. WHW. She does not know that she has been 2-D yet. If I'm lucky, she never will.

3 comments: said...

HEY YO BILL... I loved that simpsonize thing too. I placed mine on my regular space too today.. WHAT FUN!! I gave you the credit for the find too.. THANKS mucho.. just chillin til company comes and tryin to stay cool in this humidity.. yikes it is nasty out there!! Love the "NEW YOU" HAH!
See yaaaaaaaa...

Chris said...

That Simpsonizer is pi$$ing me off! I have been trying for 2 weeks to get 2-D-ed and it's either been timing out or saying I'm a woman.

Anger level rising...

Anonymous said...

What! No blue hair for Mrs WHW??

Less Than 24 Hours

Sooooo close... The Big R Begins