Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh Hell No

I have seen a lot in the bathrooms at work. Most of which I have shared with everyone. Sites such as (but not limited to):
  1. Someone turning around from a urinal with his "sword" in his hand
  2. Little poop balls rolling under the stall wall toward me
  3. Someone blow their nose with a toilet seat cover
  4. A bottle of pop and a plate with a hamburger on it on the floor in a stall
  5. Someone peeing on their shoe
  6. Abundant "curly hairs" on top of urinals (ok, I was part of the cause of this one).
  7. Found a tub of "Tucks" on the back of a toilet
Not too long ago I commented to someone that I was pretty sure I had seen it all. Boy, was I wrong.

I had lunch today with Mrs. WHW. I let her choose the we ate at Noodles. Not a terrible place, just not one of my top 5 choices. After ordering Pad Thai I noticed (for $1.50) you could by a mood ring. Some sort of charity thing. Needless to say I am the proud owner of one. Upon exclaiming to the lady at the register how pleased I was with the ring, I was told by Mrs. WHW that I am likely the most childish 40+ year old on this planet. I think she meant it in a positive way.

Anyway, lunch was good. I cleaned my I am supposed to. I returned to work, prepping for a couple tough meetings this afternoon. Then, as is frequently the case after a meal of pasta and spice, the gurgle (human two minute warning) hit.

Upon entering the restroom I saw one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. There, right in front of me, was a guy standing at the urinal...doing what he was supposed to be doing, with his toothbrush sitting on the top said urinal!! He was one of the heavy duty tooth brushers that seem to brush after every meal, drink and/or snack.

Just so everyone is clear....his TOOTHBRUSH was on top of the URINAL! I almost tossed my Pad!

Then, as if that wasn't enough, after completing his session, he walked over to the sink, washed his hands, then began brushing.

As I sat in the stall thinking about what I saw, I was so disturbed that I could barely concentrate on my game of Bejeweled. And I was on the verge of setting a new personal record. Damn that brusher.

I am beginning to think out houses aren't that bad.


Chris said...

I was going to tell you that a guy in stall #2 put his personal organizer on the floor in front of him, but that pales in comparison to this! We may need to hire washroom attendants like in those swanky NYC resturants to monitor and prevent this activity!

Yet another reason to NOT use public bathrooms...

Chris said...

And thanks for diligently documenting your exploits. And just tell the Mrs that Prudence laughs at your stuff.

Guinevere said...

Just goes to show you that there is a plethora of idiots out there roaming free. ICK. I hate public restrooms with a PASSION. ICK.

Did I say, "ICK?" yet?



Caffeinated Librarian said...

What's wrong with wanting a mood ring? I think that's a sign of pure-tee intelligence and creativity. (Of course, it should be noted that I'm the person who, at 35, periodically threatens to throw spitballs at I might not be the best judge).

"Rolling balls?" Are you KIDDING ME?! That tops the brusher in my book, hands down.

Caffeinated Librarian said...

Actually, I should have said "ALMOST 35"'s bad when you forget how old you are...

bwmson said...

I believe Mrs. WHW didn't have the problem with the actual purchase. Her issues arose when I held both arms up like Rocky when I saw the ring, and when I went looking for a high five from the lady working the register after the purchase.

Caffeinated Librarian said...

*laugh* Okay, that is a SLIGHTLY different issue. :-)

That said, I still might do the same.

Less Than 24 Hours

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